
Showing posts from June, 2022

My Love For English Languageđź’“

My love for English Language For me english is not just a language, it serves as a medium for expressing our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Enlightening vocabulary, complex grammar have always been a great attraction for me. Writing a diary is one amongst my favourite jobs to do. Penning down my feelings makes mind rid of all the negative thoughts. Then I Get ready to further my day. I have a taste for classic, mythological and folk tales more than fiction. I also love to read inspirational books and gather some motivation. Some of the favourite books, I have read are- David copperfield by Charles Dickens, The man from the golden egg by Sudha Murty, The Lost temple by Sudha Murty, Jawaharlal Nehru. Learning while reading is also a great pleasure for me. I walk English, I talk English!